Mount Pleasant Village
Brantford, Ontario
16 Acres
Trigger lands
Planning justification
The subject lands consist of two adjacent parcels located at the north-east corner of Conklin Road and Mount Pleasant Road.
Collectively, the subject lands have an area of 64,121 square metres (6.4 hectares) and a frontage of approximately 98 metres along Conklin Road and 415 metres along Mount Pleasant Road.
It is anticipated that the lands will be developed to meet intensification targets and accommodate forecasted growth for the City of Brantford.
Mount Pleasant Rd. and Conklin Road
Total area
64,121 sq. metres
98 x 415 metres

The subject lands are abutting to the L.E. & N Trail on the north portion.
The subject lands are bordered by single detached residential lots fronting onto the opposite side of Mount Pleasant Road.

Understanding of the subject lands, surrounding context and existing planning controls to support the re-designation and inclusion of the subject lands into the proposed Settlement Area Boundary.
Our development proposal necessitates a request for re-designation to the Neighbourhood/ Neighbourhood Corridor designations, in conjunction with the lands to the east and south and the inclusion of the entirety of the subject lands into the City of Brantford Settlement Area Boundary.
It is anticipated that the lands will be developed to meet intensification targets and accommodate forecasted growth for the City of Brantford.
It is anticipated that majority of the proposed units will be affordable ownership and rental units, which will aid in accommodating affordable housing needs for the City of Brantford.